Saturday, October 10, 2009

Random Thoughts

Amit Jagwani wrote

1. Everyone is gifted - but some people never open their package.........
2. For every minute spending in organizing, one hour is earned.

One thing that you need to do to unlock the package is to PUSH, Because when you push yourself hard, you put yourself on test, When you test yourself against the odds you explore, and you test yourself when the image of outcome is lucrative enough, Know to produce outcome you need to make focused efforts i.e. not only it demands clarity of thoughts it also requires energy and time to concentrate and organize, clarity of thoughts (Built from Non/Personal experience) is resultant of ability to appreciate various outcomes and every minute spent in organizing these outcomes requires clarity and separation of most of the dimensions associated with what needs to be organized .To gain perspective of most of the dimension one needs both imagination and knowledge, while imagination is more of random in nature it needs to be supplemented by knowledge, which has got greater level of subtleness in it and formed by logical application of data/experience...When applied it results in innovativeness and better utilization of time...hurdle most of us face is the identification of point of start...Because not many know whether they stand at -2 or 0 or +2…to understand where one stands, requires both podium and balcony view and corrective action accordingly.
However reaching desired outcome is not only function of your own PUSH but is also dependent on uncontrollable environmental factors. The ability to customize on wake of changed circumstance reflects adaptability which is function of open mind ( and again ability to extrapolate what the resultant mix will look like) and it is beyond this point that you explore the unexplored...This is where 90% fail to acknowledge the power with in...They tend to move with in the set standard (and some pseudo standards created to provide false sense of extra comfort) created by opinion leaders based on common and most agreeable points of discussion. This is the point which creates loser-survivor-winner...and life is all about choices we make at this point of inflection. Life is a process of exploration and if u will explore with in set standards you will never understand beyond obvious part of it… And Human mind is agile and excited only if it explores new horizons...So take a road never explored…you are as gifted as any one else is …

Few months back when I started writing blog the idea was to express my thoughts and understand self, the process in itself was hugely exciting as I wandered in uncharted territories…
Then out of sudden one day I stopped writing couldn’t understand the reason for the same however one thing was certain that the excitement level went down. Then one fine day thanks to Amit jagwani (Batch mate from IMS) for acting as catalyst, reaction started one more time. However unlike series 1 this time I will be sharing some random thoughts and may be some real life experiments with truth…

My Experiments with truth --thought that has remained with me for a very long period of time “What leads a normal healthy wo/man towards complete abnormality, where in they display behavior of absolute madness”???
Some of you might have seen men and woman roaming around your city lanes with absolute silence in their eyes…I got an opportunity to meet a few of them…will share their stories for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Abhi,
    Great write up....infact dis write up is lot better than ur earlier data full write ups...i was overwhelmed with lof of data fed into earlier write ups. I think you have raised a very valid point here. I had heard somewhere that there are three types of ppl:
    1. ppl who think they have lot but in real they dont have...such ppl are the stupid shit ppl in world :) and cant succeed in life
    2. ppl who have lot but they dont know that they have....such ppl spend rest of their lives not reaching the glory they could have and are no different then type1 ppl.
    3. ppl who have smthing and they know exactly wot they got...such ppl succedd in life a lot. they are the real heors.

    Pushing oneself and knowing the hidden potential to maximum possible extent is what brings the best in one self. Knowing urself completely is a long voyage. Self discovery is a constant process which needs to go through various tests and at times are are amazed at our selves.

    I also liked the concept of bringing the nerd out of one self. sometime we shud just let things go and be totally mad. You can discover ur self only when u have the courage to be lost forever. If you play safe you will die as other suckers who live life no better than any other non thinking creature.

